
Danfoss demonstrates how the UAE is leading the way on decarbonization

To coincide with the visit of delegates to COP28 in Dubai, UAE, Danfoss, the Danish multinational engineering group,

organized a series of site visits on Thursday 7 December to partners’ projects in Dubai and Abu Dhabi to

demonstrate the positive impact of decarbonization on reducing emissions and lowering energy costs.

As part of the strong partnership between Danfoss and Tabreed, a world-

leading district cooling operator, a delegation from Danfoss attended a

study tour of the new geothermal district cooling plant,

a collaboration project between Tabreed and ADNOC, in Masdar City’s sustainable

urban development in Abu Dhabi, and the world’s largest district cooling network in Downtown Dubai, both operated by Tabreed.

Ziad Al Bawaliz, Danfoss Turkey, Middle East and Africa Regional President,

explained why it is so important for leaders to directly experience energy efficient solutions in action.

He said: “Seeing is believing, and, often, decision makers simply don’t know that

we already have the solutions we need to not only reduce carbon emissions, but

also to deliver substantial economic savings.


We have a unique opportunity while the spotlight of the world is on the UAE

during COP28 to demonstrate the important strides that we are making as a nation on decarbonization.


What we were able to show during these site visits is that technologies and solutions

are readily available now which can have a huge impact on reaching global and regional climate goals.”

Two of the site visits were organized in partnership with Tabreed and the Cool

Coalition, which is led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).


Cooling is a critical topic all around the world, but particularly in the GCC region

which is warming about twice as fast as the global average.


District cooling – where chilled water is supplied from a central, electrically

powered chiller plant and circulated to buildings via underground pipelines – is

one of the most promising and efficient ways to cool and decarbonize buildings.

It typically saves up to 50% of energy compared to conventional cooling systems.

At Masdar City’s sustainable urban development in Abu Dhabi –– delegates visited

the city’s brand-new district cooling plant which is powered using geothermal energy –


the first of its kind in the Middle East. It is estimated to consume around 75% less

energy than traditional air conditioning systems.

The delegates later visited another of Tabreed’s sites,

one of its district cooling plants in Downtown Dubai.

Not only is district cooling a much more efficient way of cooling cities than the standard air conditioning units,


but it also supports the transition towards more climate-friendly

refrigerants and avoids heat islands in cities such as Dubai.

Khalid Al Marzooqi, Tabreed’s CEO, said that such visits are essential ways to

fortify business relationships and strategic partnerships,


adding that “Only by visiting our plants do you fully appreciate the lengths Tabreed

goes to in the drive for ultimate energy efficiency.


We work closely with many of the world’s best manufacturers and suppliers, and the results are tangible,

bringing cutting-edge technology into our operations,

which are essential for progress and the drive for net-zero.”



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