Egg Freezing: All You Need to Know

Egg Freezing: All You Need to Know



Dr. Melado, IVF expert at the world-renowned IVF Clinic UAE offers insights into

the process



Increasing fertility awareness and the rising trend of

delayed parenthood in women have helped spike the

demand for egg freezing over the recent years. “From

technologies used to success rates, learning the

fundamentals before opting for this procedure is an

essential key to achieving the desired results”, emphasized

Dr. Laura Melado, IVF Specialist, IVI Fertility Clinic Middle

East, which runs clinics in Abu Dhabi, Dubai, and Muscat in Oman. 

“Egg freezing is an advancement in the field of

Reproductive Medicine that provides many women with an

option to pursue motherhood later in life; whatever their

reason be. However, we advise those who are thinking of

going this route to conduct extensive research and talk to

an IVF specialist first so that they can properly plan

everything beforehand. Like in everything else, we

advocate for education and empowerment in this process

too,” further added

Dr. Melado. 

She clarified that fertility preservation through egg freezing

is not just a choice available to women who wish to

postpone their pregnancy. The doctor said egg freezing is

also for those who are diagnosed with cancer, autoimmune

diseases, are planning to undergo chemotherapy and bone

marrow transplants, or are at risk of needing repeated

ovarian surgery due to endometriosis and other conditions.

Egg freezing, the IVF doctor noted, may help reduce failed

In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) cycles as well.

Under this procedure, the eggs, medically referred to as

oocytes, are extracted and frozen at a temperature of -196

degrees Celsius. Freezing the eggs ensures that they

remain young and in the best condition. The extracted eggs

are then stored away, gradually unfrozen, and fertilized.

These fertilized eggs are then transferred back into the

uterus as embryos through IVF when the woman and her

husband are ready to get pregnant.


The chance of a successful pregnancy in the future is higher

if more eggs are produced and extracted. For this purpose,

female patients are recommended to undergo

subcutaneous injections every day to help stimulate the

follicles and produce mature eggs, which are then collected

from the woman’s ovary under anesthesia. In case, a

woman does not produce many eggs in a cycle, her IVF

Specialist at the treating IVF Fertility Center may

recommend a second round of retrieval process.

“From ovarian stimulation to egg extraction, the entire

procedure may take an average of

13 days. As for the retrieved eggs, they can remain frozen

for years. Oocyte survival is traditionally longer, giving

women more room to postpone conception with reasonable

guarantees of success,” Dr. Melado said.

The doctor also pointed out that egg freezing works best

when quality eggs are taken. In such a case, age plays a

factor. Therefore, the best time to undergo the procedure is

when a woman is in her prime reproductive age and is

usually not recommended in women over 38. It’s because,

after 38, females undergo genetic and biological changes

that impact their capability to produce quality eggs.

“At IVI Fertility Clinic UAE, we make sure that our patients

are aware of the entire egg freezing process, including the

financial, emotional, and even the social aspects of the

procedure. There are many factors that they need to know,

which may impact their chances of a successful pregnancy

in the future. By educating them, we enable the couples to

think things through and arrive at a better and more

informed decision,” Dr. Melado concluded.

IVI Fertility is a renowned IVF clinic that runs three state-

of-the-art infertility clinics in the Middle East – Fertility

clinic Abu Dhabi and Fertility clinic Dubai in UAE as well as

Fertility clinic Muscat in Oman. IVI Fertility has the highest

success rate in the region of over 70% and hundreds of IVF

specialists with years of global experience work together to

deliver success for couples.


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